Critical Question 1

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

Contrast emphasizes self-confidence through its visuals. though I spent countless hours on this project I made sure to leave the editing on the picture of my models very minimal, which is completely inverse to what other beauty magazines like Vogue do. I want to depict all of my models' raw beauty mainly because my magazine is all about confidence in one's image. Thankfully, Contrast, being a small contained project, doesn't have the same media appeal as the aforementioned Vogue thus does not need to include heavy amount of makeup and editing on my models to be considered a consumer worthy product. Less involved with my topic but with the same idea in mind, I followed an eccentric format similar to RayGun's, I did not want to abide by the standard 3-4 columns of text. Another reason why I preferred this format, was simply because I'm accustomed to editing the Yearbook.Where we do not organize our text into rows, rather into patches of an image then a caption.

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Critical Question 4

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? Prezi presentation on how I integrated on suppl...